New Roadway Construction at End of Webber Greens Dr.

Have you noticed the new construction at the end of Webber Greens Drive north of 215 Street? Want to know more?

MLC Group (developer), Al-Terra Engineering Ltd. (consultant) and the City of Edmonton (owner) are constructing an extension to Webber Greens Drive (92 Avenue) from 215 Street to 231 Street.

The approved plan for this new roadway includes five roundabout intersections and is anticipated to provide superior operations to a conventional four-lane divided arterial roadway with signalized intersections.

When complete the roadway will provide additional access points into the communities of Rosenthal and Secord, will be the primary roadway to access the Lewis Farms Recreation Centre and the commercial developments proposed on both the east and west sides of 92 Avenue just north of 215 Street.

For those interested in more information on the roadway design you can review the following paper presented at the 2015 Conference of the
Transportation Association of Canada.