Brenda Ruzycki, Senior Project Manager for the City of Edmonton, attended our Community Block Party this past September to ask for feedback on the two proposals for the K-9 school’s play fields and parkland. (David Thomas King (Secord School) K-9)
Below is a brief summary of the results of the respondents comments along with a diagram of each proposal.
Brenda was very pleased with the volume of people and the positive feedback that was provided. Being invited to the “Secord Community Block Party” provided a much larger response than having a separate meet and greet session.
Here is a quick recap of our public open house responses from the approximately 100 people that provided feedback:
1. All community members reviewing the concept plans provided positive responses.
2. No one completed the written questionnaire at the table when asked.
3. Everyone said that they were happy with the concept plan(s) with most favoring Proposal A; see drawings below.
The city will provide the total landscaping for the proposed play fields and parkland around the school area with a designated area for playground climbing equipment that would be the responsibility of the school and or Community League to design and fund.
4. Many participants seemed very interested in taking the next steps in the planning of the playground climbing equipment with the community.
5. The Secord Community League has already begun the establishment of a “Playground Committee Executive” and will be asking for community involvement in the coming months.
If anyone is interested in being part of the K-9 School’s Playground Committee, please contact: Melody Wilson (contact her at
Proposal A. If all available land is developed
Proposal B: If all available land is not used for parkland development.